Wednesday 29 June: Today we went to Český Krumlov which is situated on an ‘S’ bend in the Vltava River.
At 7:45am we caught a train to Bratislava, changed for a another train to Brno, changed again for Chesky Budejovic and changed again for Český Krumlov where we finally arrived at just after 7pm - it was a long day.
At least the first section of the trip went quickly as an English-speaking Slovakian IT student from Bratislava shared our carriage so we had an interesting conversation about changes post-communism.
We had a minor crisis though at Brno because of complex platform arrangements where we only just caught our train in time.
We booked into our pensione, which was also a performance as we had to telephone the owner, but we have no operational phone in the Czech Republic.
Fortunately the room on the 3rd floor (more bag hoicking up rickety stairs) is quite nice and quiet.
Český Krumlov is notable for its well-preserved Renaissance and Baroque architecture and was the capital of Bohemia.
We did the 15 minute walk into town in the fading light and had a basic meal in a Czech restaurant with a nice view of part of the city. It appears that everything comes with Spanish onion.
At 7:45am we caught a train to Bratislava, changed for a another train to Brno, changed again for Chesky Budejovic and changed again for Český Krumlov where we finally arrived at just after 7pm - it was a long day.
At least the first section of the trip went quickly as an English-speaking Slovakian IT student from Bratislava shared our carriage so we had an interesting conversation about changes post-communism.
We had a minor crisis though at Brno because of complex platform arrangements where we only just caught our train in time.
Fortunately the room on the 3rd floor (more bag hoicking up rickety stairs) is quite nice and quiet.
We did the 15 minute walk into town in the fading light and had a basic meal in a Czech restaurant with a nice view of part of the city. It appears that everything comes with Spanish onion.